@ Creative Coach

On the Creative Side of Possibilities 

“If it can be aligned, it might well be creative.” A guide that allows me to explore creativity in many areas for all age groups, from institutions to corporates, playing the role of a Creative Coach in more ways than one.

Addressing the outgoing students of Nagarjuna Vidyaniketan, Bengaluru, presiding over as Chief Guest at their graduation ceremony.

curiosity workshopAt a workshop facilitation for young learners for Troy Building Blocks as the founder of Efundu Creative Learning.

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dt1Taking a session as a Sherpa for IIT Delhi Design Thinking and Innovation learners’ cohorts, with mentor VJ (Dr V Chariar).

Generation AI Unesco @RIE Mysore

Participation in workshops; Sharing learnings in regional or International events like Unesco Generation AI.   

For any session or workshop regarding Creativity, Design Thinking or Communication, and churning the status quo, please mail prativadi@efundu.co. Thank you!

Vijay Srinivas Prativadi

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