Toggle with the Thought

Vijay Srinivas Prativadi, Creative Coach

Design Thinking meets Creative Thinking

The answer is in the perspective and it changes with intent.

The right and the wrong. The black and the grey, or white. Thinking has its way. If we allowed it to be. Or maybe, it is a process, twisted but sane.

Then there is the grand debate between the left and the right brain. Where the logic of creativity beats the magic of thought. Art reigns but so does scientific thought, or shall we say scientific creativity.

What are schools doing? Isn’t it time, schools become old school, so to say? Or is it just the game of fighting for that prized seat, privileges to prove your worth on a lopsided benchmark.

When are we going to let the mind smile? If art inspires science, can science inspire art? It sounds like the ‘who came first’ story but nature never ceases to surprise. It’s natural, beautiful and smart. Is it possible to make it our second nature?

Here’s more to those experiments with creativity. In advertising. In education. In art, well, almost art. In idealism. In ideas. In toggling between thinking and doing, to see what works.

A beautiful mind earns that sobriquet only after the grind.

For any session or workshop regarding Creativity, Design Thinking or Communication, and churning the status quo, please reach out to me at Thank you!

Vijay Srinivas Prativadi